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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Demonstrating types of governments with chocolate: Choconism

In class we recently did an experiment to demonstrate 3 different forms of government; Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Our teacher distributed Hershey Kisses to the class. Some students got 8, while most got 2. We then played rock, paper, scissors to gain more or lose more. This was our simulation of capitalism. Those with more to start with lasted longer. Some of those with more gave extra to those who had little or none to allow them to keep playing. We then had our teacher collect the Hershey Kisses, and they gave everyone two each, while they ate multiple Hershey Kisses out of the bag. This angered some and this simulated Socialism. Then the teacher put the bag away and stopped eating. This simulated Communism.

Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, which stated that in Capitalism there is class struggle and workers will revolt. It states in Socialism that the aim is for a classless society. In true Communism there is a successful classless society. In Adam's Smith's Wealth of Nations, he states that the "invisible hand" will help the poor since it states competitors have to offer something better than the other to get business, generating revenue and allowing the poor to afford things.

I feel that neither Socialism or Communism will work. The "invisible hand" seems to work the best in helping the poor. However, a system that can help the poor but still have competition among business would work better as a third option. One that can still keep business going and help the poor would be best.

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